
Mbox the  smallest IOT Hub in the World!

Normally everybody is proud of having the biggest thing in the World. We are really excited to have the smallest IOT Hub in the World which is only 50mm x 50 mm x 5 mm in size excluding battery and casing.

The form factor we chose is based on a badge ID on Credit Card format.

This is the functionality of the MBox: GPS/GNSS / GSM Cellular IoT Solution / Wifi / BLE and Gyroscope / Fall detection / SOS button and full two-way voice to speak connectivity.

All this functionality enables our customers to track and trace anything or anyone indoors and outdoors in real-time mode.

Also, additional BT sensor data devices can be added and read by our device and data being uploaded towards the SAAS backend.

As the Mbox is an autonomous device you don’t need additional infrastructure installed on premise. This reduces implementation time of the services you want to use. 

Mbox IoT Tracker Solution Overview

    • An end-to-end solution for real-time track and trace applications
    • Supporting other BLE sensor and data gathering products
    • Connections from our SAAS solution towards your application or SAAS solution through a secure API token and firewall
    • Multi-communication mode support, multi positioning support
    • Easy to deploy, no wires, no additional infrastructure required
    • The smartest and quickest time management IOT system in the world with a credit card size form factor.